World Bank Absolute Poverty Level (1) – people having personal Purchasing power of less than $1 per day – approximately 1.2 Billion people
World Bank Absolute Poverty Level (2) – people having personal Purchasing power of less than $2 per day – approximately 2.8 Billion people
United States Census Poverty Level - Purchasing power of $10,000 per person and $25,000 per family – approximately 35 Million people or 11% of population {no US citizen is in WBAP Levels (1) or(2)}.
Charitable Relief Project – engaging in activities the provide immediate relief for the poor
Charitable Development Project – the economic transformation of a poor region or area for the common good of its impoverished residents
Triple Bottom Line - a charitable development organization with three types of performance objectives: 1) financial 2) social and 3) environmental
Social Entrepreneur - is a successful person who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial skills to fund, organize, and manage a venture that brings about social change.